Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lunch and a Testimony!

A few weeks ago, we had a contractor out here doing some work for us.  When lunchtime came around, his first day here, we invited him in to have lunch with us.  I knew nothing about this man, but he had been referred to Mike by a friend.  As we ate lunch together, I found out that he was a Christian.  Mike asked him to share his testimony, which he did.  It was great for my boys to hear him share, since they were already enamored with him, following him all around the property watching him and asking him all kinds of questions about his work.

He went on to tell us that about five years ago, he and his wife were having a lot of marriage problems.  Somehow he had found out about a video series designed to help with marriage problems.  He found the DVDs on Amazon and ordered them.  When they arrived in the mail, his wife saw them and was very skeptical.  She did some research on the Internet and came back telling him the videos were anti-woman!  Angered, she suggested that they watch the first video together.  So they stayed up late and watched the first one. 

Then he shared that in the middle of the night his wife woke him up.  His first thought was, "Oh no!  Here comes a big fight!"  But to his surprise his wife told him that she agreed with everything the man said in the video. They now have a great marriage and tell everyone they can about the videos.

Mike and I smiled with delight as he shared this story with our family because we too have watch the same Love and Respect DVDs and have been blessed by them.  We also have the book, but the movies are more entertaining! :)

If you have not seen the Love and Respect DVDs, and you or someone you know is struggling in their marriage, get them and watch them!  Your marriage will be changed!

I do have a couple friends who own the video series and are willing to lend them out.  Email me if you are interested in borrowing them.

The writers of Love and Respect have a blog, and you will find lots of helpful info there.
 Love and Respect Blog

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