Saturday, December 10, 2011


Since we have puppies on our farm now, I signed up for a dog training e-newsletter.  Every week I receive tips on how to train my dogs.  The instructor often tells stories of conversations he has had with other dog owners and tells how he helps them solve their puppy problems.
What is funny, is the similarities between training dogs and training children. In his newsletter today he said,

"If you want your dog to continue doing a behavior, apply a positive consequence.  If you want your dog to stop doing a behavior, apply a negative consequence."

A simple concept that applies to all types of training, yet it is so hard for me to remember!  Often I find myself verbally reminding a child not to act a certain way (over and over again), instead of giving a consequence.

Years ago, my Mom gave me a great book called, Creative Correction by Lisa Whelchel. 

Product DetailsIt's an excellent resource!  One thing she recommends, and we did this years ago, was to have a "Correction Jar".  In it you put slips of paper with various consequences written on them.  When a child misbehaves, they get to draw from the jar.  A few ideas for the jar might include a to bed early, no dessert, 20 push ups, extra chore, writing out a verse twenty times, or a monetary fine.  Another good idea is to include a slip that says "Mercy" because God gives us mercy even when we deserve punishment.  I think it also helps the children understand that moms do not like having to give consequences, if mom tells them that she is hoping they pick a "Mercy".  :)
What is funny is that my children have actually enjoyed the mystery of picking their consequence.  It lightens the atmosphere, yet helps to apply needed corrections....try it! :) won't work well with puppies! :) 

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