Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sixteen and Pregnant

I met Tracie about a month ago.  She has an incredible testimony!  I asked her if I could share her story on my blog and she graciously sent me this written testimony. 
Her email is  if you would like to get in touch with her.

16 Years Old and Pregnant
“Being 16, scared to death, confused, and deceptively misguided, I was at a loss for what I should do. Everything inside me was telling me that abortion was wrong. However after numerous conversations and an ever present pressure that abortion was the best thing to do by my family, I gave in.
I remember it like it was yesterday. The clinic workers were so cold and the entire place was vacant of any morality. The doctor who murdered my baby even asked me at one point ‘why are you crying?’ I knew before I went that it wasn’t right. However when I walked into that cold room I was literally debilitated. I felt like there was no turning back and no escape. That day I went home in tears and cried for days. No talking, just crying. My mom swept the whole thing under the rug and never brought it up again. I was never able to speak to a counselor or support group I suppressed these emotions for over 5 years. 

After I got married and started having children with my husband it all came flooding back, times 10! What had I done? The abortion didn’t make me un-pregnant, it just made me the mother of a dead baby. I spiraled downward into an abyss of sadness and pain. My depression worsened day by day and it became difficult to function. I didn’t want to ask for help because I was terrified of the “judgment“.

My husband was extremely supportive, however I felt very alone and confused.” After a while I finally hit bottom and I found God waiting there for me with open arms. Up until then I didn’t have much of a relationship with God . However I was so desperate for help that I began to read the bible and study God’s word. I realized that I was forgiven through the blood of Christ. This was great but I still wouldn’t forgive  myself.
God started to put it on my heart that I should get involved with the pro-life cause now that I knew how horrible the affects of abortion were.

It took a some serious time with God  in prayer but he revealed to me that my baby was a little girl and her name is Julia.  Having a name now helped me to focus on her and not the abortion.  I was finally honoring her life.
It was through  40 Days for life and the unconditional love I received from those involved that I was finally able to remove the heavy chains I was carrying and surrender my life fully to God. I realized that GOD’S FORGIVENESS IS ENOUGH!
Once I did that, God has blessed me by using me, my mistake, my baby and my journey to teach others about the TRUTH.  The truth about abortion, and God’s love and forgiveness.  I am now a public speaker on abortion, leading a post abortive bible study and a board member at Pregnancy Resource Center in St. Cloud, MN. 

God is so good and continues to amaze me with his blessings, mercy, love and forgiveness. He has bestowed amazing blessings on my family and I am eternally grateful.
There is a scar on my heart for Julia, but I will walk out the rest of my days on this earth following God’s call for me and honoring the short but beautiful life of my little girl.

With  all of my heart,  Tracie Rademacher

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