Monday, January 9, 2012


The other day, we were taking down the Christmas tree and all the decorations which led to a full blown house cleaning project.  As I was cleaning the glass patio door, I decided to reinstall the wooden grid inserts that came with the doors.  We had taken them off one day while cleaning and had decided then that we liked the view better with the grids out of the windows.  Well they have been out for years, so I figured it was time to put them in again.

After I finished cleaning the windows and installing the grids, the kids all commented on how nice the doors looked.  As I looked at the doors, I thought to myself, "I like change!"  I always have.  My relatives used to tease me because I was constantly moving the furniture around.  Unfortunately, due to the size of our house, most of our furniture is now in fixed positions, but every once in a while I will get creative and come up with a new arrangement. :) 

As I continued on with my cleaning that day, I was thinking about how life IS change, and how we should embrace change.  While God never changes, all that He created does change.  Going through life hating the idea of things being different from the way they are right now will definitely make one miserable, because nothing ever stays the same. 

Our spiritual live should not stay the same either.  We would think it a horror if a baby never changed!  Growth equal health!   Just like children, our spiritual lives should be growing stronger and healthier by the day!

At church yesterday, one of our elders was talking about the changes we need to make as Christians. When we hear God speaking to us, we need to respond to Him in fear and honor, willing to do whatever He is asking us to do, no questions asked.  He read us Psalm 55:19.

God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah.  Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.
Do we fear God?  If so, we will be willing to change!

During testimony time, one of the dads exhorted us to think about the voices that cause us to change.  Sometimes worldly influences can motivate us in an effort to be accepted.  What is changing in our lives and why?  Who are we listening to?  Are we drawing closer to the Lord or drifting away from Him?  It's one or the other!  Let's trust the One who never changes, to bring about necessary changes in our lives...and CHANGE!

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